shambles square造句


  1. The area has been extensively redeveloped after the IRA bomb of 1996, contains Manchester Cathedral, Shambles Square, King Street.
  2. As part of the rebuilding, they were disassembled and moved 100 m north to the new Shambles Square, next to Manchester Cathedral.
  3. In the 1970s the height of the building was raised by, and the whole structure was relocated into the Shambles to make space for development of the Shambles Square.
  4. In 1998, ?2m funding was provided by the government-sponsored Redevelopment Agency English Partnerships, private companies, the European Community and Manchester City Council to redevelop Shambles Square.
  5. The Old Wellington Inn ( 1552 ) and Sinclair's Oyster Bar, two of Manchester, England's oldest buildings, dating from the 16th century and 17th century respectively, had their foundations raised when the Shambles Square marketplace was refurbished in the 1960s.
  6. It's difficult to find shambles square in a sentence. 用shambles square造句挺难的
  7. The buildings were subsequently dismantled and moved 300 metres northwards to their present location, close to Manchester Cathedral in 1999 . The Old Wellington Inn and Sinclair's were rebuilt at 90 degrees to each other and joined together by a stone extension to form two sides of the new Shambles Square.


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  5. "shambles glacier"造句
  6. "shamblin"造句
  7. "shambling"造句
  8. "shambling bull painter"造句
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  10. "shambling mound"造句

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